Great news! Rio’s leg appears to be on the mend. Everyone sending good vibes must be working because Rio’s leg seems to have taken a turn for the best and has looked consistently better these past 2 days.

Rio has seemed a bit depressed this weekend and slightly off his feed- I think the antibiotics are upsetting his tummy. We are also putting a lot of stuff in his grain that he doesn’t like (like probiotics), which doesn’t help. When he wouldn’t eat his grain this morning Trainer consulted with Amazing Vet and she recommended some banamine and we are withholding his antibiotics for 24 hours to give his GI system a break. He happily grazed all afternoon and ate the majority of his grain this evening so I’m not too worried. He has also maintained solid manure, so overall I think he’s doing well. When I left this evening he was eating his hay.

Amazing Vet is coming to check him tomorrow and we’ll see about restarting his antibiotics then. Fingers crossed for a good progress report!

Positive thoughts coming your way and Rio’s way too.
Much appreciated!
Glad he’s healing!
Thanks ??
Woot for the fast healing! Keep it up rio!
What a relief – here’s hoping it clears up as quickly as it came on!!
That wound looks great!
Happy to hear that he is improving!
Thank you!!
<3 yay for healing!
yay! I was so excited to see this in my inbox!