Monday Miss: Deep Spot Edition

I have SO MUCH MEDIA from my lesson Saturday thanks to my awesome barnmte Liana! Although I have some good rounds to share, I thought I would keep today short and funny with a “Monday Miss” (this may have to become a reoccurring thing).


Post ride carrots (aka bribery for putting up with me)

Sometimes I feel pressure to always present the best of myself on social media, but here on my blog I like to try to keep things down to earth. Not every jump is perfect. Although I love to share photos and videos that often feature the best parts of a specific ride, I would hate to give the impression that every second of every ride is that awesome, or that we don’t work super hard for the good moments. News flash, it most definitely ISN’T always perfect.


But, I don’t get hung up on the mistakes, and I treasure the moments when everything comes together. I don’t often post videos or pictures showing glaringly obvious mistakes because people can be cruel on social media. Alas, bad moments DO happen, and I want to take a second to share the giggles! Happy Monday!!!



hunky hanoverian monday miss
OH SHIT. We are in trouble. Stay cool Kelly. Just go with him and act like you meant to get to the jump this deep. Play it coooooool.


hunky hanoverian monday miss
I’m potentially riding a hump backed whale at this point. Unclear. All I know is that it feels awkward as hell but at least we are going over!


hunky hanoverian monday miss
I feel like we should get extra points for touching the brush box with his hind hoof. Look at our athleticism! Rio- the most graceful moose in all of the land!


That oxer was the out of a 6 stride line and would could NOT find a distance to this line to save our life on Saturday, which made for some prettyyyy graceful jumps, let me tell you!


Another deep spot, but on a less embarrassing scale:



Tune in tomorrow for way more media, and some of our nicer rounds.


Who else sometimes shies away from sharing less the perfect moments from your rides?








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  1. If i didnt share the fails there would be even less media than i have 🙂 HA!

    Love the photo of you giving him carrots. Looks like a piano photo to me 🙂

    and he is very very athletic 😉

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