So Olivia posted about what she would do if she had a zillion dollars, and kind of started an unofficial blog hop when Amanda also joined the fun. Who doesn’t like to day dream a bit about what they would do with an unlimited budget? I think this affliction is especially prevalent in horse lovers, because we are all too aware of how delicate and pricey these animals can be. So now it’s my turn to join the fantasy!
I’m going to set my day dream into my current life, and just assume I have a spare few million laying around that I do not need to spend responsibly. So where would I start?
I wouldn’t work full time anymore. I do ultrasound at a university hospital in Dallas, and although I LOVE my job, I’d rather spend more time riding. I like to think that I would still do it PRN, because I really do like it, but I’d certainly focus the majority of my time at the barn.

I’d start by buying 2 new horses. Rio wants some sibling- he told me. I’d want another hunter- but a TOP quality one that also has international derby experience. I’d probably have to go ask the Gochman’s what they want for Catch Me. I may not even always compete him myself, as being an owner could be a fun experience at times too.
Horse number 2 would be a jumper. Yes, I said it, a jumper. Why would this self-proclaimed hunter princess want a jumper? I actually think jumpers are so fun. I would love to do jumper classes at shows. I think if you are approaching them like I would be (for fun!) they can be considerably lower stress then hunter round (which must be PERFECT!). I also like that the courses are more interesting, and that the scoring is so cut and dry. Would I do big jumpers? Probably not! I’d want something that would give me confidence, and make 1.15/1.20 feel easy. Probably a schoolmaster that is ready to step down and have fun with me while we work up from the 1.0 classes (which is where I would need to start!).
That would be a great string to start with. I’d have Rio in the AA’s, then I’d have my made hunter showing me the ropes of the AO’s and the national derbies, then eventually the international derbies. My trainer could do the international ones and some of the larger performance hunters too. Then when I needed a break from the stress and perfection of the hunter ring I could go toodle around the lower jumpers. Great plan, right?

I’d also want my own barn. Not because I’m not happy where I am, but because who wouldn’t want their own incredible facility where they get to call all the shots? For starters, the stalls would be huge. Like 14×24 would maybe be sufficient. With padded walls. Everything padded. Safety and all! Then I’d want it to have heating AND air conditioning- duh. A huge indoor (also heating and A/C) as well as a grand prix sized outdoor. Both with state of the art footing of course. All my friends and their horses would of course board there with me (for free) and I’d hire a private trainer to come teach all of us.
My “string” would get all the care that money could buy. Acupuncture, massage, PEMF, chiro, the WORKS. The best of everything!

My riding wardrobe would become a whole new level. I’d go to Europe just to shop the best tack shops money can buy. Every day I’d look like I had walked out of a high fashion equestrian magazine. I may not be the best rider, but I’d sure like I might be!
Ok I think that’s enough day dreaming!!!

In other news, Rio is doing well under saddle again. He is starting to do some cantering, and his elbow is looking good. Trainer Julie says he has been feeling excellent, so the mishap doesn’t seemed to have effected him overall (THANKFULLY, WHEW!).
I had my last lesson horse lesson last night, as I will be riding Rio again from here on out. I rode Spidey again, and again, he was excellent. Such a great little horse. He was very responsive the whole ride, and I really got to focus on my own riding trying to be extremely precise, yet staying relaxed and flowing through the course. We did this fun bending 4 stride line to a taller skinny toward the end, which rode really well. We jumped in rather big, and I was a tiny bit frazzled, but he totally cooled his jets when I sat up a bit taller and gently felt and then released his mouth. He totally came right back and did the skinny with no issues. I felt like we pulled it off super well, considering we barely know each other. I think the whole lesson horse experience has really shown me where I want my riding to go with Rio. The horse takes more responsibility, and I focus on being clear, timely, and precise with invisible aids.
Hmm if I had a million dollars I’m not sure I’d do much differently, I would just feel less guilty about my spending!
Sounds like a pretty fab day dream to me! I need to write up my own one of these days, such a fun hop!
Glad to hear Rio is doing well and on the mend!