You know what is possibly just as much fun as horse showing? Cheering on your bestie as she shows.

For starters, you don’t have any nerves- because you aren’t actually competing. You don’t have to deal with that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach as your division draws near. You don’t have to worry about timing it just right- so you don’t over warm-up and use up all your horse’s energy, or even worse, run behind and feel super pressured to warm-up and learn your course in negative 5 minutes as the gate keep repeatedly calls your trainer’s name.

You literally get to be the camera and water toting side kick that doesn’t have a care in the world and gets to focus on being a super supportive friend and enjoying the scenery. What is not to love?! Right- nothing. And I got to do just that this weekend. What makes it even better is the fact that S is a super awesome rider and competes in a division that is actually fun to watch- the Jr/AO jumpers. And her gorgeous horse Dalton is totally drool worth.

So this post is a total show-out (see what I did there?!) to my bestie and her amazing boy- Dalton, who put in an awesome round at the show and are building an amazing partnership together!
Dalton5.6.17 from Kelly on Vimeo.
Since she’s not my bestie I am totally allowed to be jealous, right? So much love for that gray!
Absolutely allowed!!!
He is handsome!!! Wow.
OMG gorgeous!! Cheering on friends and barn mates is such a treat 🙂
Couldn’t agree me! Having friends that “get” the horse thing and share the passion is the best ??
So cool!! Dalton is DREAMY
Couldn’t agree more! ?
Truth! …that Dalton tho…….so handsome!
He says thank you!
I’m going to need to borrow him. For like 5 years. Doable?
You’ll have to fight me for him ??
AND his name is Dalton! I WANT HIM!
Right! I totally thought of you when I found out his name