Importing from Europe: Yay or Neigh? (Yes I went there with the pun, sue me). Many equestrians have pondered this exact question. Of course, the right answer is different for everyone, and importing isn’t the magical solution for anyone, but it can be the perfect situation for some. Everyone has heard their fair share of success and horror stories when it comes to the magical importing game. But, if you’re like me, you’re always curious to hear more. I would maybe like to try to find an import myself someday, so I am always interested in hearing people’s personal stories.
HunkyHanoverian would like to extend a huge thank you to “E” for sharing her import story with us.
Welcome E! Can you start by sharing a little bit about yourself?
I’m a 30-something full-time working mother of two small children who managed to marry someone I consider to be one of the world’s nicest, patient people. I’ve been horse crazy my entire life – my room growing up was adorned with a giant poster of Margie Engle, and I was so obsessed with her that my entire family now calls me Marge in tribute to this era of my life. I leased horses growing up, always finding a way to clean stalls and feed horses to be able to afford it a little bit more.