I know some of you are curious to know what saddle I decided on (I demoed Voltaire, CWD, and Butet over the past week), but I’m not quiteeee ready to announce the winner yet- because I haven’t 100% committed to any yet! Expect the big reveal by the end of the week though. Other then trying saddles, Rio and I had a bit of a jumping boot camp these past 4 days (Friday-Monday) to prep for the show. Trainer MM left with some of the horses this morning for the first week of the Waco show, so Rio and I will be only flatting until the show starts for us next week. We definitely made the most of our last schooling weekend though, and had some really great lessons. I actually have a ton to write about- sorry I was MIA for awhile there!
First off- MM, Amazing Vet, and I have been racking our brains trying to figure out the best long term solution to protecting Rio’s left hind. Although it is basically healed, Rio still interferes and can sometimes open up the skin a bit. We tried covering it with a bell boot- but that just rubs it. I cut a polo wrap in half (so it wasn’t so long) and was wrapping the area with that, but it isn’t great protection and comesĀ undone sometimes. Pastern wraps were an idea, but the area is a bit too low and the wraps not wide enough to cover it.