The following bit cleaning hack is from guest blogger Joanne, enjoy!
There are certain things good boys and girls do when they’re done riding for the day. Run up the stirrups, wipe down your tack, and clean your bit.
I’ll admit it so you don’t have to. I rarely wipe down my tack and bit after every right. I’m an old, lazy AA and time just gets away from me at the barn and then I’m fighting daylight to get home
before this old lady’s bedtime. A quick dunk, sure… but I also have the frothiest mare known to mankind and a dunk just doesn’t always do the trick.
However, I do have time to watch endless Instagram stories by various horsewomen who try out various products that I may or may not need to add to my arsenal. I recently saw a video
posted by someone using some fancy-schmancy name-brand bit cleaner that looked just like denture cleaner to me.