Here’s the deal guys- we all have to agree not to show this post to Amazing Vet.
She mayyyyy have said Rio could start turnout, as long as he doesn’t run around like a wild man. He has basically gotten to the point where I can barely control him on the lead with all his antics, so we decided that for the sake of his mental health we needed to start turning him out some, in a small-ish enclosure. I TOLD him to behave but of course some playing was inevitable, so now I get to share all the adorable photos and video with you guys- just don’t show my vet!
He was SOOO happy. It makes my heart happy to see him play. Scotti was in the adjacent paddock, and he was thrilled to have his bff back in action.
RioScotti9.8.17 from Kelly on Vimeo.
Once Rio got his willies out he was super good though and super chill. Scotti and him love to stand along the fence line and play fight with each other. They will seriously do it all day.
This video is one we really can’t show Amazing Vet- because Rio is doing everything he’s not supposed to and really tearing it up!
Rio9.8.17 from Kelly on Vimeo.
But in all seriousness- Rio has a large open wound on his RH where the spider bite was. Amazing Vet and I had a long talk about it, and she also consulted his surgeon to see his thoughts about various treatment options for that leg. Basically, she feels (and I agree) that that area did not heal like we thought it would due to the previous damage from whatever venomous creature bit him. Although the area is large and gross looking, it does look like healthy tissue that is trying to heal, it’s just going to take awhile. Next week she is going to rent me their laser and teach me how to use it so I can do daily treatments on both wound sites. In the mean time, I’m continuing to use SSD on that leg to encourage tissue growth.
My basic routine involves unwrapping the leg, cleaning the surrounding area with iodine and rinsing the actual wound with saline. Then I hand graze him so it can get some sun and dry before re-bandaging. I also just started a new wound product on the Left Hind, which although large is superficial at this point. I continue to take daily pictures of both sites and will do another big update sometime next week when I have more progress to show. I will also go more into detail about what we are trying on the LH.
Rio is also getting quite used to his massages- and LOVES them. Seriously, anyone who has a spare $100 laying around should pick up a PureWave massager from Amazon for their 4-legged friend. See a cute little video of Rio’s reaction below:
omg Rio haha! at least he feels good!
Right?!? It was actually nice to see him trot and canter around soundly!